Special Offers
Get amazing discounts on our lawn care packages and enhancements for new customers.
Spring 2024 lawn Care Offers
Redeem OfferMosquito Control Discount
Tree & Shrub Discount
Prepayment Discounts
Referral Discount
Frequently asked questions
Are your products safe for pets and children?
Absolutely! GreenStripe only uses the best on your lawn. Though, if the lawn was sprayed, we recommend staying off the grass until it's dry.
Do we need to schedule services in advance?
Not unless you want to! Your services will typically happen on a similar schedule year-to-year and we'll contact you before we come out.
What is your cancellation policy?
We don't want you to stick around because you're stuck under a contract. GreenStripe is proud to offer our services based on results and friendly customer care.
How does billing work?
We offer two simple options to streamline your billing: autopay, which will pull payments as work is completed, or prepay which offers a 5% discount for the year.
Can I set up autopay?
Of course! We know life gets busy and our autopay feature allows you to pay your bills as they are generated, keeping your service completely hands-free.
What if the service doesn't work?
We're all about making our customers happy. If you have a problem or the service doesn't appear to be working, contact us and we'll put together a plan to get you back on track.